Funnel ready to start work. 1. I helped blood circulation to concentrate and put aside distractions to work. I relaxed. I performed yoga in the morning. I did a work-out. I drank revitalising tea. 2. I measured the time reduction of production of work. I smelt spiritual vetiver. Vetiver was a plant's essential oil that helped with memory and concentration. I dabbed it on my feet. It helped my brain to the point. 3. I cleared my desk and vacuumed the floor. I could think clearly. I prepared to study by getting my computer ready and remembering what I needed to do. I checked I had the source files. If not, I contacted the lecturer and went on with other work. 4. I visualised completing the task until the end (submission). I remembered what was necessary. I brought up the relevant application. I considered writing my own software to automate repeated tasks, for example writing an algorithm rather than manually doing work. I thought of the task and what I needed to do it. 5. If I had any questions about the citation style, I looked them up. I looked for my study materials. I loaded my document or created a new one. I typed in the document header. I made sure that I abided by the formatting and citation guidelines. 6. I made sure that there was enough light in the room. I turned on the light. I opened the window for fresh air. I used natural light or turned the light on. I faced north or east. 7. I stretched and wiggled my toes to keep up circulation. I set up the chair with a cushion or pillows on the bed. I made sure that the chair was the right height, with a foot rest if necessary. I made sure that the top of the screen was level with my eyes. Alternatively, I used my computer on my bed. 8. One teacher gave a similar answer, to be used as a model for working out the answer. I made sure that the children had a specific aim. The children had been given a task. They had highlighted the question. I had discussed it with them, outlining the correct approach in class. 9. The teacher gave As for the student to write a formula finder at University, but emphasised pedagogy, two sources on an idea in one paragraph and getting help. The student found the answer. The student substituted the values into the formula. She wrote units after the answer. In algebra, she substituted values back into the formula that she found. 10. The student cleaned her desk. The student stopped using her phone and listening to music. She turned off the television. She made sure the phone was off the hook. She avoided distractions from other people, etc. 11. I found the best sources from the library. I found my notes from the lectures and tutorials and paraphrased the relevant parts. I read the question. I found the appropriate sources to answer it. I paraphrased the sources by replacing the words with my own words to demonstrate my understanding and cited them. 12. I thought that business was good and that it should be simple. I could smell the roses by studying, by thinking how it would help achieve my goal. I wrote 250 breasonings towards a goal. I noticed the change during the time. I spent a long time researching (connecting the parts of the) philosophy. 13. I used the best grammar checker. I remembered small details, for example what to do at the end, such as connecting philosophies. I also documented algorithms at the end. I wrote down study tips at the end of each session. I also wrote down my feedback about myself, the content and how enjoyable it was. 14. I modified my essay and earned a high grade. I double checked with the lecturer that I was on the right track. I drafted the essay. I sent it to the lecturer for feedback. He suggested structural or answer changes or additions. 15. I found inspiration to keep going. I took a study break after a certain amount of time. I set the timer. I worked until it went off. I walked around and stretched my legs outside. 16. I earned a high distinction for enough analysis. I checked that I had two sources on the same keyword in one paragraph. I found that my previous high-achieving essay had this pattern. I remembered it while using the best grammar checker. I used this in all work I completed.